Sixty-three-year-old Pabitra Niraula (in picture) of Minbhawan, who was severely beaten up by a neighbour last Sunday, succumbed to her injuries on Thursday (August 15), police said.
Niraula had undergone a head surgery on Sunday and was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Annapurna Neuro Hospital at Maitighar. Hospital Director Dr Basanta Panta said Niraula was in critical condition even after the surgery. According to him, she had deep cuts on her forehead, while there were other age-related complications in her kidneys and liver.
A permanent resident of Minbhawan, Niraula was physically assaulted at her home by some family members of Rana Bahadur Gautam, a retired Deputy Superintendent of Police. A quarrel between Niraula and the Gautam couple at a community temple on Sunday morning had later taken a nasty turn. The three had been to the temple to offer prayers on the occasion of Nag Panchami. In the afternoon, Gautam, his wife Usha Kumari and son Arun broke into Niraula’s house when she was alone. While Arun hit Niraula on her head with a stool, the Gautam couple joined in to beat her up. Usha is a staff nurse in the Bhaktapur Hospital.
“The enmity between the two families was there two decades ago as well,” said Srijana Sharma, Niraula’s daughter. “But we never thought the disputes would one day claim my mother’s life. The culprits have to be severely punished.”
Gautam and his son are currently in custody at the Metropolitan Police Circle, Baneshwor, while Usha is absconding. According to DSP Rewati Dhakal, in charge of the Circle, a murder case will be filed against the duo.
Police investigations have revealed that the two families were at odds over a portion of land behind the compound of the Niraulas, adjacent to the compound of the Gautams. However, as both the houses currently have their own fenced walls, it seemed the problem did not exist now, police said.
According to Dhakal, Sunday’s quarrel, however, was over the ownership of the community temple built on land that borders four families’ plots, including the Niraulas’ and the Gautams’. That day, both Niraula and the Gautam couple quarrelled over who should enter the temple first.
Niraula’s second daughter Shruti Risal, who is a former radio presenter at Hits FM 91.2 and reporter at Sagarmatha Television, is currently living in Australia.
Niraula’s body has been sent to the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) for post-mortem. Family members said she will be cremated on Friday.
Source: Ekantipur