Something just great and amazing happened! And to say so would definitely be an understatement.
Some thousand musicians flocked on the field and played Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters to convince Dave Grohl to come and play in Cesena, Italy. Yes, literally!!! Talk about being die-hard fans!!! And what the rocker had to say in response to it will blow your mind!!! Not only did he reply to his Italian fans in Italian but it was a also a ‘yes’ from his side to their request! This proves that ‘together we can’!
Another thing I noticed from this initiative is that even in this age of pop-domination, rock is still burning alive within many. Alas, there’s hope for humanity!
Check out the awesome rendition of Learn To Fly (the song that introduced me to FF and one of my all-time favourites) followed by Grohl’s sweet response.