‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ Banned in Nepal

The Wolf of Wall Street, the latest movie by director Martin Scorsese, has been banned in Nepal and Malaysia. Wolf had been set for release here, but the censorship board nixed those plans. The news does not come as a surprise because of the film being a raunch-fest featuring sex, drugs and hundreds of variations of the F-word. 

Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the three-hour long movie has also had three scenes cut in India and Lebanon. The banned scenes include the movie’s gay orgy, Jonah Hill masturbating and Leonardo DiCaprio blowing cocaine up a woman’s bottom with a straw.

In United Arab Emirates, 45 minutes have been cut from Wolf. Earlier this week, the government-run National Media Center issued an unusual statement explaining that the regional distributor made the cuts, not the censorship authority.


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