What the Flop is a satirical comedy program hosted by Sandip Chettri who makes you laugh with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics like politics, sports, media or corporate culture. Humorous breaking news, weather report and skit are the highlights of this show.
तराई मधेशका कुरा!
उपसभामुख गङ्गाप्रसाद यादब र सद्भावना पार्टी अध्यक्ष राजेन्द्र महतो सङ्ग सप्तरीमा गरिएको बहस
Canadian couple Nathan and Danica Reid’s travelling diaries in Nepal continues. They recently landed in the Terai region.
A Common Nepali went out on the streets of Kathmandu asking people how they felt about the current situation and their sentiments about India and Indian people, like always they have tried to portrait the views of A Common Nepali in a humorous way.
With the dip in mercury, the number of people coming outside the houses have gone down, so, trade activities in Siraha district headquarters Lahan, Dhangadhi, Chauharba, Mirchaya and other places have deceased, said Ashok Agrawal, Chairman of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lahan.
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