What the Flop is a satirical comedy program hosted by Sandip Chettri who makes you laugh with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics like politics, sports, media or corporate culture. Humorous breaking news, weather report and skit are the highlights of this show.
Bhusan Dahal talks with PM Puspa Kamal Dahal on program Fireside. This program was aired in Kantipur Television on 14 November 2016 at 9:30 PM
नौं महिने भाका रहेको सरकारको सय दिन कस्तो?लोड सेडिङ,संपत्ति विवरण,मुखर्जी भ्रमण,अंगीकृत नागरिक लगायतबारे मन्त्री जनार्दन शर्मा र एमाले नेता अग्नि खरेलसॅग बहस
एमाओबादी अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहालसमक्ष पीडा पोख्दै गोरखाको आरुचनौटे गाबिस–३ आरुटारकी भूकम्पपीडित नारायणदेवी श्रेष्ठ । श्रेष्ठकी छोरी र नातिको भूकम्पमा परेर मृत्यु भएको थियो । तस्बिर: प्रशन्न पोखरेल, गोरखा, रासस
पुष्प कमल दाहाल प्रचण्डको किर्तिपुरका कार्यकर्ता सम्बोधनको मुख्य अंशहरु !
There was a hearsay that the Maoist Party has become the richest political party in the country. Many people thought, “the Maoist Party of Nepal is the richest political party in Asia?”
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