‘जहाँ जहाँ जाम त्यहाँ त्यहाँ सिताराम’ यो उपमा उनलाई संचार माध्यमले दिएका हुन् । जहाँ जाम हुन्छ , त्यहाँ नेपाल ट्राफिकका पहरी निरिक्षक सिताराम हाछेथु (४९) पुगेका हुन्छन् । सधै सडकमा विहान सात बजे देखी राती सम्म हसिलो मुहार लिएर उपस्थित हुने सितारामलाई राजधानीका सडकहरुमा नचिन्ने सायदै होलान्।
Nepali TV Bishesh Kurakani with popular Nepali singer Raju Lama.
करिब ४ वर्ष देखि अमेरिकामा कार्यारत अमेरिकाका लागि नेपाली महामहिम राजदूत डा शंकर प्रसाद शर्मा संग बिबिध बिषयमा लिइएको अन्तर्वार्ता । [via Bijay Thapa]
“नेपालदेखि अमेरिकासम्मको यात्राबिचमा पनि आफ्नो दक्ष्यता औल्याउन नसकेका कलाकार अर्जुन के. सी. कसरी कलाकारिता लागे र उनले अमेरिकाजस्तो महँगो देशमा पनि स्टुडियो खोलेर आफ्नो पेशालाई कुन दिशातर्फ डोर्याउदै छन्, कलाकारको हैसिएतले उनको नेपालप्रतिको उत्तरदायित्व अनि उनका भावीयोजनासम्बन्धि प्रश्नहरु कार्यक्रमको १९औ शृंखलामा।” -Rajan Koirala, Jiwan Parivesh
The twelfth episode of Jiwan Parivesh, a web talk show with Rajan Koirala, presents an interview with talented aspiring Nepali singer Sabina Joshi who is working on releasing her first album titled ‘Mahasush’ by the end of this year.
The sixth episode of Jiwan Parivesh by Midnite Production presents an interview with Viplob Pratik, Nepali poet and writer, who has penned over 250 songs, several poems and is currently writing a novel.
Fourth episode of Jiwan Parivesh by Rajan Koirala presents an interview with popular Nepali comedian Narayan Tripathi aka ‘Prem Charo’.
Third episode of Jiwan Parivesh with Rajan Koirala presents an interview with Netra Pandey, current president of Indreni Cultural Association and executive member of Nepalese Society of Texas who also founded Michigan Nepalese Association in 2005 and worked for different NGOs and INGOs in Nepal for 14 years.
Interview with popular Nepali comedian Manoj Gajurel by Made in Nepal Production team from Austin, Texas.
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