What the Flop is a satirical comedy program hosted by Sandip Chettri who makes you laugh with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics like politics, sports, media or corporate culture. Humorous breaking news, weather report and skit are the highlights of this show.
Three board members of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) have been laid off by the Ministry of Energy for their non-cooperation to the campaign to reduce power cut.
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has announced a decrease in load shedding. The power cut will now be 48 and half hours weekly.
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has announced a decrease in load shedding. The power cut will now be 9 hours a day. Here is the updated new schedule applied from June 7, 2016, Tuesday (Jestha 25, 2073) until further notice.
Duet to a problem seen in the turbine, the Kaligandaki A hydropower plant is being shut down for a week which may force NEA to increase load-shedding.
This time, NEA has rescheduled the current one taking into consideration that the tenth graders have to prepare for the exam, also known as the Iron Gate.
This time, NEA has cut down one hour of power-cuts a day taking into consideration that the tenth graders have to prepare for the exam, also known as the Iron Gate.
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has announced a decrease in load shedding. The power cut will now be 55 hrs a week. Here is the updated new schedule applied from April 17, 2015, Friday (Baisakh 4, 2072) until further notice.
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has announced a decrease in load shedding. The power cut will now be 59 hrs a week. Here is the updated new schedule applied from April 4, 2015, Saturday,
Taking students’ need to prepare for the nearing SLC exam into consideration. Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has cut down few hours of load shedding. Here’s the updated schedule. .
6,000 families of five VDCs in Dolpa were affected by the Nepal Electricity Authority’s (NEA) decision to cut the power supply for three months, from Tuesday (August 19, 2014).
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) announced on January 2, Thursday that the load-shedding hours would be increased from 11 to 12 hours starting January 5, Sunday.
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