Splashing Under The Sun

This summer, ASpadez Nepal gave Kathmanduites a chance to beat the heat like never before. The very first Splash Fest ‘12 took place on June 2 at Grand Norling Resort and it introduced the sport of Water Football. The event saw many showing off their cool football skills while splashing the water.

Photos: Nirnit Tandukar/TexasNepal

Apart from the new game, there were plenty of other fun activities that kept everyone present there busy. DJ sessions, drinks, foods and other exciting games were there as well. But most of them loved to indulge themselves by dipping into the cool pool.



Photos: Nirnit Tandukar/TexasNepal
Photos: Nirnit Tandukar/TexasNepal
Photos: Nirnit Tandukar/TexasNepal

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