Social Networking…The Nepali Style!

With numerous social networking sites, we are definitely spoiled with choices as to where to open an account, but never had we come across a site created specifically for Nepalis by Nepalis until recently.

Twenty-one year old has been working on his online project for a year and a half and as of two months ago, he launched Since launching, the site has already hooked close to 18,000 users and with a list of attractive features, the list is sure to grow.

In adopting ideas from existing sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and MySpace to name a few, Meropost boasts some of the more popular attributes of each site in one place plus some others of its own. Sunil, a fourth year of student of Computer Engineering at Kantipur Engineering College, has borrowed the  personalizing the background of one’s profile feature from Myspace, status update from Facebook and “follow” features from Twitter. Not to miss out chat rooms which users can create their and invite just friends or make it public. These rooms all expire after 24 hours, as “too many chat rooms add unnecessary load.”

Although heavily relying on ideas from other sites, Sunil isn’t worried about copyright issues, “Not even Facebook or Twitter came up with this idea of networking sites, if you go back there’s hi5 and other sites too.

Combining successful features from other sites, Meropost has certainly taken ideas to the next level. However, its biggest attraction has got to be its ability to write status directly in Nepali. “You can click the option to post in Nepali and when you type the script will automatically change to Nepali,” shares Sunil. In addition, the feature even checks spelling and offers alternatives for mistyped words in the Devanagari script. No wonder, this aspect is getting maximum attention.

Regarding user information protection, Meropost also facilitates account verification through the use of college ID card, driver’s license, or citizenship to ensure privacy.


Reference: Republica

2 thoughts on “Social Networking…The Nepali Style!”

  1. I got this site. This site is not bad but gots error some time. Few Days back i had visited another nepali social network. ah , it was called Hamrobook ( हाम्रोबूक ) ! They says they this site is also hosted by a Nepalese student !! i have using both Meropost & Hamrobook too but like Hamrobook coz of having more features of Free sms, Blog, Forum & MAny More.

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