Day 1 of the 29th ANA Convention — Dallas Gurkhas win Virginia 1-0 [Photos & Video]

The 29th ANA Convention 2011 officially started on July 1, 2011 in Washington DC with participants from all around the country. The first day of the convention had events like formal inauguration, kids’ camp, poetry festival, talent show along with soccer and basketball matches. Dallas Gurkhas vs Virginia Dallas Gurkhas played their first game against … Continue reading Day 1 of the 29th ANA Convention — Dallas Gurkhas win Virginia 1-0 [Photos & Video]

29th ANA Convention in Washington DC from Tomorrow — TexasNepal will be attending

The 29th General Convention of Association of Nepalese in America (ANA) with the theme “Unity and Mutual Understanding is Our Commitment” is scheduled be held at Westfield Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia – Greater Washington Metropolitan Area from July 1 – July 3, 2011 and team members will be attending the convention to bring you news report, photos and video from the three-day long event.

Nepali World Cyclist – Furtemba Sherpa [Featured Video]

Furtemba Sherpa, Nepali world tour cyclist, is currently on US tour and has recently launched a new website – along with release of a new video that introduces Mr. Sherpa and his mission to pedal around the world for peace and environmental protection.

Furtemba Sherpa was featured as the TexasNepal Personality of the Month for May 2011.

This video was edited by TexasNepal Team member Rajan Odari.

Connecting Global Nepali Speaking Communities