Nanda Prasad Adhikari Lost The Battle of Justice To Death

Nanda Prasad Adhikari of Phujel, Gorkha district, who had been staging fast-unto-death at Bir Hospital demanding justice over the murder of his son Krishna Prasad Adhikari since around a year, has passed away on Monday evening.


Director of Bir Hospital, Dr Swayam Prakash Pandit said Adhikari died while undergoing treatment at the hospital.

Nanda Prasad and his wife Ganga Maya were on a fast unto death for the past 11 months demanding legal action against those involved in their son Krishna Prasad’s murder.

Nanda Prasad passed away at 4:24 p.m. The hospital made the news of his death public at 5 p.m.

According to doctors, Ganga Maya’s health condition, too, is critical.

The then Maoist outfit had kidnapped and murdered the couple’s 17-year old son in Chitwan on June 6, 2004.

Adhikari couple had filed a criminal case at Chitwan district police against the culprits. However, a legal action against the perpetrators could never proceed properly amid the Maoists’ threat and obstruction.

The then Khil Raj Regmi government had taken the accused in custody and forwarded a legal process of action against them.

However, the arrests met with strong protests from the Maoist leaders, due to which the legal process could not go further.

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