HUNGER HUNT: Newari Sausages, Red Chyang at Bulal

This week M&S HUNGER HUNT went to Bulal in Gwarko to stuff ourselves with some Newari-style sausages, mushroom choila and some ‘Hyanguthon’ or red chyaang. Bet you didn’t know about that one!!

If you truly want to eat local, you have to learn to follow your nose into the uncharted world of local, hard-to-find eateries, like Bulal, with its own horde of returning patrons, located at the inner part of Gwarko, right outside Patan, where they serve rare Newari snacks and beverages.

How much:
Newari Sausages: Rs 100 per plate
Mushroom Choila: Rs 90 per plate
Red Chyang: Rs 120 per bottle

(a locak Newari joint at Gwarko)
A little walk from Gwarko chowk, when you take the uphill road into Patan area. Walk all the way up, straight, until you reach the first right junction. Turn right here and follow the road all the way to Bulal on your right.

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