Find stunning wallpapers using Google

Google has recently added a new feature in its image search page that lets you search for images according to your needs. Lets use it to find some wallpaper for us.

  1. Got to, click on images.
  2. Next click on Advanced Image Search link next to the Search button.
  3. Enter your search term e.g. flower, mountain (anything you like).
  4. Select “photo content” from the list of content types.
  5. Next click on “Use my desktop size” to search for images that exactly matches your desktop resolution.
  6. Choose other options as desired (leaving them as they are won’t hurt either).
  7. Click Google Search to see the magic happen. It will list thumbnails of hundreds and hundreds of images.
  8. Choose a thumbnail, click to go to the site and on the top click “See Full Size Image” to get the original image.
  9. That’s it! Repeat the same for more.
Advanced Image Search on Google
Advanced Image Search on Google


Advanced Image Search Reuslts
Advanced Image Search Result


Warning: Many photos are copyrighted, do not misuse them!

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