Free online typing lessons

typingwebSo you love watching people move their hands crazy fast around the keyboard and yet get all the words typed accurately and incredibly fast. Well here is a perfect website for all of you wishing to speed up your typing speed. TypingWeb is the name of the free and very easy to use online typing tutor. It is free to use, paid accounts are also available which removes advertisements, and very well designed for people of all ages.

You can register to keep track of your progress. But if you just want to give it a spin, you can just click “No thanks..” link and start typing. Lessons range from beginners to advanced. The layout is perfect with keyboard and pictures of two hands on each side of the keyboard which lit up showing the finger that you should be using to type the next letter that appears on the top screen with your lesson.

So head on over TypingWeb and start your lessons right away. Get yourself that speed and accuracy you have always wanted. Good Luck!


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