NST is run by old, outdated and socially corrupt people

Home Forums Chhalfal NST is run by old, outdated and socially corrupt people

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    • #13071

      An Update I feel I have to let out:
      NST(Nepalese Society of Texas) Update…The Nepali Political Mentality will never change…Same old People and Faces….Where are all the Young People?…Why don’t they take up the Leadership??.. Why do they allow these same old Nepali Campus style political gibberish and the cronyism of these Old, outdated and corrupt (socially at the least) carry on and take root all over here in the US too…. These people just care about their names being associated with something..and an opportunity to Grab a Microphone whenever possible… and their affiliation to these “social works” is always associated with a Payback of some kind…..You will be hearing a lot about this from my side in the days to come…!!!

      Found on Nepal In Pictures Facebook Page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nepal-In-Pictures/122723230673

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