New study finds Facebook makes people unhappy

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      January 24, 2012 Posted By : parakhi

      A new study has shown that a correlation between a Facebook user’s disposition about their life and the amount of time spend on the social networking site. The study was conducted by sociologists at Utah Valley University where 425 students took part in the research.

      The researchers discovered that users who spent more time on Facebook start to believe that others have a better life than they do. The research was published in the Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking Journal and the study has concluded that people that spent less time socializing on Facebook and more time with real-life friends were less likely to be unhappy.

      According to the sociologists, Facebook users are more likely to publish pictures depicting the happiest times of their lives than depressing events and this leads to many users believing that happiness is a constant in their friend’s lives. In an earlier study conducted by American Academy of Pediatrics, it was found that children and teenagers can develop ‘Facebook Depression’ when being overwhelmed with pictures of happy friends and positive status updates.

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