Nepali Student Found Dead at Workplace in Houston

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    • #12767

      Pukar Chhetri, a student at San Jacinto College in Houston, was found dead at his workplace on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 around 1:00AM.

      His body was taken for forensic investigation by Houston Police Department. The cause of his death has not been revealed yet.

      According to the website set up by his friends for collecting donation, all of his family members are in Nepal and waiting for his body to be sent back home.

      You can help them collect fund for sending his body back to Nepal by following the link below:

      More about Pukar can be found at –

    • #12437

      Pukar Chhetri had committed suicide. According to a news report published in, police said the surveillance camera showed Pukar shooting himself at his temple.

      टेक्सासको ह्युस्टनमा गत अगस्ट १० तारिख अन्दाजी १० विहान काम गर्ने ठाउँमा स्थानीय सान जासिन्टो कलेजमा अण्डरग्रयाजुएटमा अध्ययनरत पुकार क्षेत्री मृत अवस्थामा फेला परेका छन् ।
      पछिल्लो जानकारीअनुसार क्षेत्रीले ९ तारिख राती १२ बजे आफूले काम गर्ने पसल बन्द गरेपछि आफैंलाई कन्चटमा गोली हानेको सेक्युरिटी क्यामरामा देखिएको स्थानीय प्रहरीले जानकारी गराएको हयुस्टनस्थित एक नेपालीले नेपाली पोष्टलाई बताएका छन् ।
      क्षेत्री केही समयअघिमात्र मिसिसिपीबाट टेक्सास कलेजमा सरेका थिए ।

      काठमाडौं बाफल निवासी क्षेत्री केही दिनदेखि चिन्तित देखिएको उनीसँगका साथीहरुले देखेका भए पनि किन उनले आत्महत्या गरे भन्नेबारे भने केही खुल्न सकेको छैन ।
      पुकारको शवलाई परीक्षणका लागि स्थानीय ह्युस्टन प्रहरीले लगेको छ ।
      पुकारको शवलाई नेपाल पठाउन स्थानीय संस्थाहरु चन्दा संकल गर्न लागि परेका छन् ।

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