February 16, 2012 Posted By : parakhi
According to the leading network firm Cisco’s latest report on global mobile data traffic, mobile devices will outnumber humans this year. It also predicts that by 2016, more than 10 billion mobile connected devices will be in use. Networks then will be carrying 130 exabytes of data annually, which is equivalent to more than 33 billion DVDs.
As data consumption rises, mobile operators will face more problems as it struggle to cope with the demand. According to the report, an average smartphone users uses 150 MB of data per month but it is expected to rise to 2.6 gigabytes by 2016. Cisco estimates that 60% of mobile users, nearly 3 billion people will be generating more than 1 gigabyte of mobile data traffic per month by 2016 as people use more tablet devices.
The report also stated that although 4G is only available for about 0.2% mobile connections, it has already accounted for 6% of mobile data traffic and is expected to rise as faster networks become more accessible to people. Cisco also reported that even though Apple’s iPhones have a reputation of using more bandwidth, Android consumption is already equal or higher than iPhone in the Western markets. The mobile traffic growth is expected to explode as faster network speed will allow users to start watch streaming videos on mobile devices.
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