Micro-Courtesy Much?

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      December 27, 2011 By: microphile

      “Simple simple kanchi ko dimple parne gaalaa”; I think one of the hit sensations of Kollywood music; and an addition to the already increasing list of one liners to tease girls around, with or without the claimed-to-be-cute indent on a cheek, is hummed by all nowadays.

      I went to a friend’s place and her aunt’s daughter knew the whole lyrics of this item song. I have to admit I was thoroughly amused by her uncannily sound sense of rhythm when she started the line “mann paryo mann paryo mannnnn paryooo”. With that innocence buzzing in my head, I took off and waited for the micro outside her place.

      A huge, white Jumbo-micro zoomed past me and hit its brake few steps ahead. But more pronounced was the blaring music, and the same tune “simple simple kanchi ko dimple parne gaalaa”.

      I thought twice about climbing inside but I had already signaled the conductor bhai to stop the micro and I whimpered inside, with no other choice left, searched for the promised seat (khaali cha didi, khaali as in, the seats are empty inside) and stood. The song was still booming inside; almost like the micro was a music buffer in its previous life (if you believe in reincarnation that is). And I tried to cover my face with the muffler; while the “muffler” failed to muffle my laughter, I could not help but notice that people were staring at me.

      Seriously, I thought. Are we all in the same micro, do you not notice the song, and not to mention how funny the song is. I like when Nepalese (sorry for the broad generalization), while traveling; seem to forget that you are allowed to express your emotions inside a public vehicle of transportation. So there I was, going hysterical over this piece of music while everyone else stared at my apparent discomfort with the music. I would like to refrain from making any comments on the content of the song, but am I not allowed to laugh inside a micro? Being in a public vehicle or a place for that matter, seem to somehow curtail your freedom to be who you are and act how you want.

      You know how sometimes, there is this one person inside a micro, with his/her earphones plugged in securely, singing a song out loud, completely off the tune and unabashed about his/her singing talents; well, I salute that individual. And if that individual was humming to the tunes of “simple simple”, I would join him/her; because the tune is actually melodious; erm… and funny.

      Microphile loves to travel however, since her fantasies of travels into the Egyptian pyramids and Saharian deserts are, well, mere fantasies; she makes do with the hazardous amount of traveling she has to do in micro-buses, aka, micros. She loves to read while traveling in micros. All that traveling has most probably caused some spinal/brain injuries that she is unaware of; while she continues to travel by micros every morning; observing the mundane and writing about them in this blog.

      image source: moleskine.com


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