December 22, 2011 Posted By : parakhi

Iraq was shaken by co-ordinated bomb attacks in the capital, Baghdad killing at least 63 people and injuring more than 200. The interior ministry said 13 locations had been attacked as Iraqis went to work during rush hour. The bombings took place as the unity government faces internal divisions and is now creating fears of sectarian tensions in the country.
Analysts believe that the level of co-ordination suggests that only al-Qaeda could have planned such attacks. Iraq’s unity government is in turmoil after an arrest warrant was issued for Sunni Vice-President Hashemi on terror charges. The main Sunni bloc in parliament is boycotting the assembly in protest and accuses the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri Maliki, a Shia for trying to consolidate power.
Hashemi has denied the charges and is currently in hiding in Irbil in Iraqi Kurdistan. The regional government has offered him protection but Maliki has demanded that they send him to the capital to face charges.
The last US troops had departed from Iraq on Sunday nearly nine years after the US toppled Saddam’s regime in 2003.
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