Former Royals Return, Paras Checks Into Rehab

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Former king Gyanendra Shah, former queen Komal and former crown princess Himani returned to the Capital from Bangkok on Sunday (April 21).

The former royal family had left Kathmandu for the Thai capital for the treatment of former crown prince Paras who was admitted to Samitivej Hospital in critical state following a massive heart attack. Paras was in comatose state, was discharged from the hospital after 38 days on March 28 according to various media. Now his health is said to be improving.

The former crown prince, who was into drugs, has been admitted to a rehabilitation centre in Bangkok.

His friend Sunil Khadka, also the secretary of Non Resident Nepali Association (NRNA), Thailand, however told the national daily The Himalayan Times that Paras would stay in Thailand until doctors allowed him to board a plane.

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