dfwNepal Video Podcast Episode 1

Starting the first week of April we are presenting series of weekly video podcasts covering topics like what’s new at dfwnepal.com, video tutorials, upcoming attractions, interesting facts, upcoming events, visitors’ Q&A and much more to be added in future.

This week’s video podcast covers following topics:

  • What’s New at dfwNepal.com
  • How to download mp3s from YouTube (video tutorial)
  • Did you know? (Interesting fact)
  • dfwNepal Wall – Nepali New Year wishes
  • Upcoming Event – Nepali New Year Celebration in Euless

Mobile users click here (iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Palm Pre, iPod Touch)

Links discussed in the podcast:



dfwNepal Wall

Nepali New Year Celebration in Euless

Send us an email at [email protected] or leave a comment to this blog if you have a topic idea or any question you want us to include in our next week’s video podcast.


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