Happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin, thus, we have to learn to take whatever life brings our way. When we think about it reasonably, we will realize that everybody has to go through pain and sorrow in life; it is inevitable, we cannot avoid it.
We all know our country is going through a lot lately; political instabilities, corruption, inflation, not to forget unannounced bandhs. But what if we don’t really know what’s actually going on? What if someone could explain Nepal’s ongoing situation in a manner we can understand the best. Here’s how a Nepali version of the story The Ant And The Grasshopper enlightens us.
In the past, dolphins were found abundantly in the Koshi, Narayani, Karnali and Mahakali rivers and their tributaries throughout Nepal. In recent times however, they have been spotted only in the Karnali and Koshi river systems.
Mass media has played a big role in the rise of popularity of Korean movies and music as CD’s and DVD’s are easily available in the market. Furthermore, the influence of Korean fashion can be seen in the way the youth dress up and do their hair and makeup.
After the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly (CA) many leaders of political parties including those representing the Caretaker Government and Prime Minister Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai seemed to focus their attention only on how to draft the new Constitution by resolving the contentious issues.
हामी बुद्धका सन्तान बिश्व शान्तिमा विश्वास राख्ने हामी नेपालीहरु जहाँ गए पनि हामी सबैसंग नेपालीपन र नेपालीमन भएको हुनाले शान्तिको बिउ छर्ने कार्यमा व्यस्त भएमा हामी सबैको भलो हुनेछ । भाले जस्तै अहंकार गरेमा श्यालको फन्दामा कुनै न कुनै दिन परिने छ किनभने कुमालेको चक्र घुमी फिरी आउने छ । विजय थापा, हाल भर्जिनिया ,सयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
भाषा हरेक राष्ट्रका मानिसलाई आफ्नो देह भन्दा पनि प्यारो लाग्न सक्दछ । नेपाली रास्ट्रिय भाषा -हाम्रो पहिचान र राष्ट्रको गौरब हो । भावनात्मक रुपमा हाम्रो साईनो गासिएको हुन्छ । भाषालाई स्वदेश होस् या विदेश जहाँ गए पनि सबैले उतिकै प्रेम, सद्भाव र श्रदासाथ अङ्गीकार गर्नु पर्छ । – विजय थापा, हाल भर्जिनिया, सयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
सयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाको टेक्सास राज्यको डालासमा आयोजना गरिएको ३० औ ए एन ए सम्मेलनमा सात समुन्द्रपारीबाट सहभागी हुन् पाल्नु भएका गैर आवासीय सघ( एन आर एन )का संस्थापक तथा संरक्षक डा उपेन्द्र महतोले सम्मेलनमा देखाउनु भएको अद्भूत राष्ट्र प्रेम र अद्वितीय मातृभूमि प्रतिको सद्भाव बिचार अभिव्यक्तिले यो पंक्तिकार कलम चलाउने निश्चय गर्दै केहि शब्द कोर्न चाहन्छ । विजय थापा, हाल भर्जिनिया, सयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
Who Talks Politics…? Constitution or without Constitution — Revival of Constituent Assembly, Public poll, Completion of Peace Process, Issuing full-fledged budget, Ordinance/s, Round Table Meeting and the like are some more agendas to buy more time again. – By Dwarika Pd. Shrestha
अध्यारोमा तीर -पत्रकारिताको धर्म वा अधर्म भन्ने बिषयले मेरो मस्तिष्कलाई रन्थन्याई दिएको छ र दिउसै तोरीको फूल देखाई दिएको छ । यो पंक्तिकार कहिलेकाही कलम चलाउने र एक सम्बाददाताको भूमिका निर्वाह गरि बिश्व भरि समाचार बनाई पठाउने र पठाईएका समाचारहरु अधिकाश बिधुतिय संजाल(वेब पत्रिका)हरुमा प्रकाशित हुने गरेको भन्नु पर्दा म गौरब गर्दछु र समस्त सम्पादक … Continue reading अध्यारोमा तीर – पत्रकारिताको धर्म वा अधर्म→
भाषा, नेपाली भाषा अनि राष्ट्र भाषा !अब सूचना जस्तै भाषालाई निरन्तर रुपमा संचार माध्यममा प्रकाशित र पुर्याउन सकेन भने ठुलो अनिस्ठ हुने निश्चित छ, नेपाली भाषा ठुलो संकटमा पर्ने, कतै सुनामी आई भद्रगोल त पार्दैन भन्ने यो पंक्तिकारलाई बारम्बार घोची रहन्छ ।
Anil Gautam of Butwal has built a helicopter using a 200 cc Pulsar bike engine with the help of his brother and father in his small furniture shop. The helicopter is said to be able to carry three passengers and is ready for a test flight after receiving an official approval from the government.
It’s always interesting to know what Nepalese living abroad are going through. So many changes to deal with and it’s certainly more than just cultural differences. An article published in The New York Times portrays the story about how Nepalese salon workers in the US had to overcome the cultural hurdle to do what they’re doing right now.
A Hard Rock Band from Nepal, Cobweb is doing their jobs since early 90’s and still rocking it! The best part is, their music never gets old. Now they are coming with their new music video ‘MERO LAGI’ from their latest album ‘Project Namaste’.
Nepali will get the new Constitution! But no one knows what the Constitution will be like? Restructuring States – Peace Process – Arms Submission – Fighters’ Integration – Settling the number of Provinces – Naming the Provinces – Reintegration – Constitutional Court –Identification by caste, community, bla bla became main issues to Bye time easily.
There are every kind of laws and regulations to protect physical and visible pain. Why is there no law for those invisible pains? If someone breaks your leg, they go to jail. If someone breaks your heart they get away with it..
वर्तमान अवस्थामा बिशुद्द नेपाली भाषा बोल्न सम्भव छ वा छैन? त्यो पनि परदेशमा भन्ने प्रश्न उब्झी रहन्छ । नेपाली भाषाको प्रवर्धन र सम्बर्धन गर्न यो अभियानले केहि हद सम्म सहयोग हुन्छ भन्ने हाम्रो अभिप्राय र मनसाय मात्र हो ।
An article by Dwarika Shrestha, a senior Nepali journalist, about current political situation in Nepal and the new changes taking place in the country.