आग्रह र पूर्वाग्रह संचार कर्मिको धर्म हैन l खाट्टी संचारकर्मीले यो अप्नाउदैनन र कदापी मस्तिष्कमा राख्दैनन् l संचार क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने कुनै पनि संचारकर्मी तथा पत्रकारहरु पूर्ण रुपमा ब्यक्ति बिसेष तथा संस्थासंग आग्रह र पुर्वाग्रहबाट मुक्त हुनु पर्दछ l कलम चलाउनु एक कला हुन्छ र कला त्यतिकै फुर्दैन ,त्यसको लागि त्याग र तपस्या चाहिन्छ l कलम … Continue reading संचारकर्मीले व्यक्ति या संस्थासंग आग्रह र पूर्वाग्रह हुनु नहुने→
‘Anubhutee’: A Group Painting Exhibition by 8 Women Artists of Nepal. This contemporary art exhibition draws together a ‘collective of women’, at various stages in their art careers, who ‘voice’ – through art – their personal experiences of being Nepali women or observations of women’s experiences of life in Nepal.
The book deals with hope, courage, family ties and following your dreams, even in difficult times and it follows the hopes and ambitions of the two brothers and the obstacles they face while pursuing their goals.
Tattoos or Piercings have been practiced in the world since ancient times in many cultures all over. We can still meet old ladies of various communities in Nepal who have these inks printed on their hands and legs and many with multiple piercings in their ears or nose. Many cultures around the world had these traditions with an esthetic appeal to it.
The Human Resources for Health situation in Nepal has been met with several key challenges particularly related to the shortage and uneven distribution of the health workforces in the country.
Watching Korean TV series is an enjoyable way to keep yourself occupied when you have free time on your hands. Usually just 16 to 20 episodes long, being family friendly and with interesting story lines, they have definitely gained a lot of popularity all over the world, including Nepal.
In this post today, I would like to elucidate you upon the various modalities of treatment that you may face. A simple explanation of each and the decision making you and the dentist have to go through.
The 103rd International Womens’ Day was celebrated worldwide on Friday, 8th of March and this year, I got to witness how the day was celebrated in a small picturesque village named Balthali in Kavre district.
The key to prevention of Early Childhood Caries or any other form of caries lies in dealing prudently with the causes underscored in the last post. The principle of prevention has to do with limiting exposure to sugar, reducing the amount of germs or bacteria that child has, protecting the teeth with fluoride, and visiting the dentist.
अमेरिकालाई नेपाल जस्तै बनाउने ठान्नु कदापी हुदैन बरु यहाका असल कुरा ,आचरण आदि ईत्यादी आफ्नो जीवन र ब्यबहारमा लागु गर्न सक्नु पर्छ । अनि मात्र हामी नेपाललाई अमेरिका जस्तो बनाउन सकिएला भन्ने सोच्न सक्दछौ । – विजय थापा, भर्जिनिया
The parade ground was clean and was decorated with our National Flag and colorful streamers. The audience was enthusiastic and people were there to support their near and dear ones. Among various other performances, there was a performance by very well trained dogs and they amused the audience with their daring tricks such as jumping through rings of fire and they were also trained to ‘salute’.
Having knowledge of the cause of the disease will undoubtedly help us in prevention of this disease. As we continue on the path of Oral Health for our child, the forthcoming script will deal with the basic components that lead to decay of teeth or dental caries.
Traditionally, the number of parents bringing their children for a regular dental check up is nix, naught and nothing, at least in our developing world. The bell rings only when the teeth are rotten, ugly and unsalvageable or when the child complains of pain or a big swelling appears on their cheeks or neck.
You don’t have to be a good dancer to enjoy dancing. There is no age limit to enjoy dance and its purpose and uses are very versatile. It can be a form of art, fun, leisure, entertainment and it is also good exercise. There are various forms of dances and these days Zumba has become very popular. It is fun to do, easy to learn and the best part is you can sweat it out and burn calories while having a good time.
अमेरिका ,माघ २२ ,करिब तीन हप्ता अगाडी अपहरणको शिकारमा परि नेपालको औधोगिक नगरी बिराटनगरका एक प्रतिष्ठित उद्योगपति ,समाजसेवी र असल अभिभावक गंगा बिसन राठीको सुनियोजित ढंगबाट गरिएको हत्याको खबरले सबैलाई मर्माहत बनाएको छ । आफु सात समुद्र पारी अमेरिकामा रहेता पनि अतितमा आफुले पटक पटक यस्ता मृदुभाषी र स्वभावले नै मिजासिला प्रवृतिका कुबेरसंग बिराटनगरमा साक्षात्कार भएका केहि स्मरणहरु मेरो मस्तिष्कमा अझै सावनको भेल जस्तै कुरा खेली रहेको छ ।
अविवाहित संगै बस्ने पद्दतिलाई अस्वभाविक र अनौठो मानिन्छ । भनिन्छ नजाने गाउको बाटो नै नसोध्नु ,हामीलाई यस सम्बन्धि न लिनु छ ,न दिनु छ ,हामी रमिते भै हेर्न सिवाय अरु केहि गर्न न सक्ने अवस्थामा छौ किनभने हामी मुलुक छोडी आफ्नो स्वार्थ प्राप्तिको लागि बिदेशी भूमिमा रमाएका छौ । भबिष्यमा यसले कस्तो रुप लिन्छ त्यो त भबिश्यले नै तय गर्ने छ ।
We read about it in the papers and forget all about it the next day. But women and girls who have to go through such ordeals in life are the ones who have to live with the scars. Everyday cases of rape are reported in the papers as it has become a hot topic for everyone these days.
Even though the Bhutanese refugees are scattered among all the 50 states of the country, they all face similar struggles. The fight for survival continues on a daily basis. But no matter what they go through, they are glad that they finally found a place where they belong, a place that they can call their own.
जब सम्म पितृसत्तात्मक समाज भन्ने सोच र चिन्तनको अन्त्य गर्न सबै समाज एक ढिक्का हुदैनन् तब सम्म नारीहरुलाई हेर्ने दृस्टीकोण तुलनात्मक रुपमा परिवर्तन हुदैन । -विजय थापा, भर्जिनिया
For thousands of youth in Nepal, going abroad for studies is a cherished dream. These days it has become more of a trend and every other person you know is either planning to go abroad or is already there. Given all the problems our country is facing at present, it is understandable why youth would want to opt for foreign countries.