हास्य टेलिशृंखला डिट्ठा साब भाग १५३
हास्य टेलिशृंखला डिट्ठा साब – Nepali Comedy Ditha Sab 21 May 2016 (Ep. 153)
हास्य टेलिशृंखला डिट्ठा साब – Nepali Comedy Ditha Sab 21 May 2016 (Ep. 153)
Now virtual reality is in your hands or more like, on your face. And, there’s brief hilarious reaction test at the end as well.
Iman Bikram Shah is a veteran musician and an expert audio engineer (he’s also a guitarist and a composer) who is considered nothing short of a legend in Nepali music. Now, as a principal of Nepal Music Center and by developing a vocational curriculum of music for school kids, Shah is definitely creating a legacy.
हास्य टेलिशृंखला हर्के हल्दार –Harke Haldar 18 May 2016 (Ep. 265)
संविधान जारी भए देखिनै देशमा कहिले बन्द हड्ताल र कहिले सिमा-नाकामा आन्दोलन गर्दै आएको मधेसी मोर्चा ३ महिना जति चुपचाप बसे जस्तो देखिन्थ्यो। तर येति बेला फेरी मोर्चा सहितको संघिय गठबंधनले सिङ्घदरबार केन्द्रित आन्दोलन थालेको छ। ६ महिना लामो आन्दोलन र झन्डै त्येतिनै लामो सिमानामा अबरोधले जनजीवन अस्तव्यस्त हुँदा पनि पुरा नभएका मोर्चाका खास माग चाँही के हो त ?
What the Flop is a satirical comedy program hosted by Sandip Chettri who makes you laugh with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics like politics, sports, media or corporate culture. Humorous breaking news, weather report and skit are the highlights of this show.
एक साता मात्र बाकी रहेको एस कनशर्तका ९०% टीकट बिक्रि भएसकेको जानकारी फरहान नेपाल प्रतिनिधि रायन दिनु हुन्छ. सहुलियत दरको टीकट अब ओनलाइन नपाउने वहा बताउनु हुन्छ. फरहानलाइ हेर्न ईचछुक तर सहुलियतमा टीकट खोज्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने २१४-३१७-१२६५ मा सिधा रायनलाइ सम्पर्क गर्न वहा आग्रह गर्नु हुन्छ।
Kathmandu View Tower is being constructed in the place Old Buspark Kathmandu
सरकारको नीति तथा कार्यक्रमबारे संचारमन्त्री शेरधन राई, काँग्रेस नेता मीनेन्द्र रिजाल र संघीय समाजवादी फोरम नेपालकी नेता रेणु यादवसँग आजको साझा सवाल
This episode of Prahari Anurodh presents latest crime update from Nepal along with documentary ‘ट्राफिक ब्यबस्थापनमा सुचना प्रबिधि’
हास्य टेलिशृंखला डिट्ठा साब – Nepali Comedy Ditha Sab 14 May 2016 (Ep. 152)
अझै सरकारले आलटाल गरिरहेको मधेस केन्द्रित दलहरु संगको वार्ता, सुस्त पुनर्निर्माण, चर्किएका द्वन्दकालिन घाउहरु र बढ्दो कुटनीतिक चिसोपन त छदैंछ। आफैमा अस्थिरता र चुनौती जस्ताको त्यस्तै रहंदा सरकार अब कसरि अगाडी बढ्छ?
हास्य टेलिशृंखला हर्के हल्दार –Harke Haldar 11 May 2016 (Ep. 264)
Nepal Reacts : A show where Nepal reacts to trending,normal, idiotic, controversial, taboo, unconventional, conventional, social etc. etc. Basically all & every topic that might be interesting to react upon.
Almoda Rana Uprety is featuring 10 years old Nepalese Australian singer Ayuska for Mash up of timeless children classic.
What the Flop is a satirical comedy program hosted by Sandip Chettri who makes you laugh with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics like politics, sports, media or corporate culture. Humorous breaking news, weather report and skit are the highlights of this show.
साझा सवालमा किसानका कुरा – पाँचथरको फिदिममा कृषि मन्त्री हरिबोल गजुरेल र अगुवा किसान गोमा चुडालसंग, पूर्वी पहाडका ताप्लेजुङ, पाँचथर, इलाम र तेह्रथुमका किसानहरुको बहस ।
P.S. Zindagi is Nepal’s first online sitcom (P.S. stands for Post Seismic). It is set in the post-earthquake context, following the lives of 5 young Nepalis from diverse backgrounds, and their trials and tribulations.
P.S. Zindagi is Nepal’s first online sitcom (P.S. stands for Post Seismic). It is set in the post-earthquake context, following the lives of 5 young Nepalis from diverse backgrounds, and their trials and tribulations.
This episode of Prahari Anurodh presents latest crime update from Nepal along with short drama ‘लोभले विलाप’