What the Flop is a satirical comedy program hosted by Sandip Chettri who makes you laugh with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics like politics, sports, media or corporate culture. Humorous breaking news, weather report and skit are the highlights of this show.
सेलाङ, सिन्धुपाल्चोकका भूकम्प प्रभावितहरुसँग राष्ट्रिय पुनर्निर्माण प्राधिकरणका
प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत गोविन्द पोख्रेल, कलाकार मनिषा कोइराला र सांसद अग्नी सापकोटाको बहस।
Nepal Idol is an international Pop Idol franchise that came in Nepal for the first time. The judges are Kali Prasad Baskota, Nhyoo Bajracharya and Indira Joshi.
Nepal Idol is an international Pop Idol franchise that came in Nepal for the first time. The judges are Kali Prasad Baskota, Nhyoo Bajracharya and Indira Joshi.
Dil Bhusan Pathak talking to Nabindraraj Joshi ( मन्त्री, उद्योग) on program Tough Talk. This program was aired in Kantipur Television on 26 April 2017 at 9:30 PM
What the Flop is a satirical comedy program hosted by Sandip Chettri who makes you laugh with his hilarious reports on a week’s noticeable event on any topics like politics, sports, media or corporate culture. Humorous breaking news, weather report and skit are the highlights of this show.
Nepal Idol is an international Pop Idol franchise that came in Nepal for the first time. The judges are Kali Prasad Baskota, Nhyoo Bajracharya and Indira Joshi.
There’s one place at Babarmahal, Kathmandu that sells a wide range of devices. The store’s name is Oliz Store; it’s sort of like a small department-store of gadgets with an assortment of genuine brands. And, on Tech & Toys today Biraj checks out five of their gadgets.
Kulman Ghising is a man of his words. Within months of being appointed the Managing Director of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), Ghising lived up to his promise of ending the decade-long load shedding problem in Nepal. In doing so he not only lit up the homes and streets of Kathmandu Valley but also brought to light many of NEA’s underlying problems.
Dil Bhusan Pathak talking to Krishna Khanal ( राजनीतिशास्त्री) on program Tough Talk. This program was aired in Kantipur Television on 19 April 2017 at 9:30 PM
Nepal Idol is an international Pop Idol franchise that came in Nepal for the first time. The judges are Kali Prasad Baskota, Nhyoo Bajracharya and Indira Joshi.
Nepal Reacts : A show where Nepal reacts to trending,normal, idiotic, controversial, taboo, unconventional, conventional, social etc. etc. Basically all & every topic that might be interesting to react upon.
Bhusan Dahal talking to Sita Ram Kattel ‘धुर्मुस’ and Kunjana Ghimire ‘सुन्तली’ (कलाकार एवं समाजसेवी). This program was aired in Kantipur Television on 17 April 2017 at 9:30 PM.