15 killed in Palpa jeep accident

Fifteen persons were killed and two injured when a jeep veered off some 100 meters down into the river at Jorte of Baudhapokharathok VDC in the district on Saturday morning.

As many as 14 people, including driver died on the spot while one died undergoing treatment at Lumbini Medical College Prabhas at Tansen.

Among the dead, nine are women, two men and four are children.

The remains of the mangled jeep. Photos: Tek Narayan Bhattarai
The remains of the mangled jeep. Photos: Tek Narayan Bhattarai

It has been learnt that except the driver, rest of the deceased are the family members of Satendra Lamichhane Magar of Thorga of Gulmi district.

Magar family had been living in New Delhi.

A team of police led by deputy superintendent of police(DSP) Mira Chaudhary has been deployed to the site.

The ill-fated Indian number plate jeep (DL 1 Y 4678) was en route to Ridhin, Gulmi from India when the fatal accident happened.

Although the accident occurred around 12 midnight, it was only known around 7 this morning after pedestrians informed about the incident.

Police personnels and locals seen carrying out the rescue operation
Police personnels and locals seen carrying out the rescue operation
Rescuers carrying the dead body from the accident site.
Rescuers carrying the dead body from the accident site.


Source: Republica

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